
Hi there! My name is Fritzie.

I’m a lifestyle blogger based in Albany, New York. I grew up in the Philippines and migrated to the US in 2006. I do have a day job as a nurse for almost 15 years now. I’m married to my first love, Abraham. He loves to cook, I love to eat. We both love music videos, watching re-runs of our fave shows, and traveling to new places.

The blog started as a weekend hobby to document our life, travels and adventures. However, a lot of changes happened in our life. We learned new things along the way and our blog evolved with us.

This little corner in the internet grew and now includes topics on life, travel, fashion, beauty, and everything in between.

I’m so glad that you are here. And, I hope you’ll stick around for a while.

Feel free to read, comment, and contact me at fritzie@lifewithfritzie.com.

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I’d love to stay connected with you!

Much Love,



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