5 Lessons I Learned On My First Year of Blogging

My Blog is One Year Old!

It’s been a great journey so far. Although, I must admit the ride can get bumpy at times. Yet, I’ve got no regrets.Ā I’ve learned a lot from blogging, and it has helped me grow into becoming a better version of ME.

Sharing with you the 5 Lessons I Learned in My First Year of Blogging.

1. Take Courage

“I really wanted to start a blog, but…”

I was afraid to put myself out there for fear of ridicule. I was insecure about my writing skills. I didn’t have a nice camera. I had zero knowledge about starting a blog.

Yet, I didn’t allow fear to stop me. I took an online creative writing course, read about blogging, joined WordPress, downloaded Grammarly, and asked a couple of friends to give me feedback on my draft.

I finally got the courage to publish myĀ first postĀ last year.


2. Learn From Your Mistakes

There’s so much to learn. It can get overwhelming. There’s a lot of blogging advice out there, and though it helped me a lot; I also got confused when there are conflicting ideas.

I learned that blogging is like cooking: try the recipe, change certain ingredients, add a little bit of this and a little bit of that. Then, after some trial and error…

Voila! You’re finally happy with the flavor.

3. Connect. Engage. Share.

The internet can be a positive space for us to learn from each other and encourage one another as we go through challenges.

We can like, comment, share each other’s posts, and spread good vibes in the blogosphere.

Love and Positivity

4. Set Realistic Goals.

Blogging started as a hobby until I began to set unreasonable goals. Oh yes… I’ve got to write, hustle, and grow (Stats! Stats! Stats!).

Guess what? After a few months, I was on the verge of quitting.

Blogger burnout is REAL!

5. Have Fun!

“It’s not all about the stats.”

I needed to pause, take a break, reflect on the reasons why I’m blogging, and enjoy the creative adventure again.

Burlington, Vermont

We have a long road ahead of us, but I’m in no rush to figure out everything right now. After all, blogging is not a competition. So, I’m going to get a drink, put my feet up, and relax!

Cheers to 1 year of blogging and to many, many MORE!

Our heartfelt thanks to everyone for following us on our journey. We couldn’t have reached this far without your love and support.

Please leave us a comment below. Tell us about your blogging experience. How long have you been blogging? Any lessons or tips you want to share? We’d love to hear from you!

57 responses to “5 Lessons I Learned On My First Year of Blogging”

  1. Happy one year! It is so important to remember to have fun with blogging – it is so easy to get weighed down and concerned with the statistics. I only let myself look at mine once per week (and at the end of the month) which helps me to enjoy writing more – plus I only look back at what has ‘done well’ at the end of the month so I don’t get too down if something hasn’t been as popular as I hoped. x

    Liked by 3 people

    • Aww… thank you Fiona. I’m so glad to have “met” you through the blogosphere. I really appreciate all the support. I’ve learned my lessons, and yes… goodbye to burn out feelings. xx


  2. Congratulations on your year of blogging šŸ™‚ It’s definitely not as easy as it looks from the other side. Sooo much to learn on the blogging journey but it keeps the mind active;) We are just over a year now and only now just starting to understand everything a little more, like SEO, and how all the various social media work!
    Lovely to be following you and watching the blog grow. xxx Shelley

    Liked by 3 people

    • So glad to have known you guys. Really appreciate the RT, comments, and support. There’s just so much to learn… and I’m also trying to figure out a lot of things.
      I love following your journey too… Keep it up! Cheers to more wonderful blogging years ahead!


  3. Happy one year anniversary and congratulations! Can’t believe we have known each other for a year now. Just want you to know how grateful I am to have had received your constant encouragement and to have been able to share in your adventure. Rest assured, I’ll always be by your side on your blogging journey. Cheers to many more years of writing and sharing. šŸ’

    Liked by 3 people

  4. It sounds like you’ve learned so much in your first year. I was surprised at how many new friends I made through blogging that wasn’t something I was expecting.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Congrats on a full year of blogging! Based on the long list of comments, you certainly seem to have found what works. It took me a lot longer to figure out what made blogging work (I was sooo clueless). Great lessons, particularly about the importance of visiting, sharing, and commenting, and also making adjustments so that blogging remains fun and rewarding. As blogs grow that adjustment has to happen over and over again. After six years, I’ve also found that blogging-breaks are vital. Here’s to another lovely year.

    Liked by 3 people

    • I’m just taking this one step at a time. I still need to learn a lot of things. It can get overwhelming, so I try not to put too much pressure on myself. Yes… I totally agree that blogging breaks are vital!
      It’s also really nice to engage with other bloggers from different parts of the world. I’m so glad to connect with you through the blogosphere. Thank you so much for your kind words and comments. Have a wonderful week ahead!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you… Thank you sis for taking the time to read. Iā€™m so glad that you are blogging and sharing your wisdom with us. Thank you for your love, support, and encouragement. The blogging community needs more inspiring people like YOU. Keep writing and spreading love and positivity in the blogosphere. šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•


  6. I really appreciated your post! I just started this week. For the same fear you had. (Fear of putting myself out there and ridicule.) I am naturally a shy person. So, the idea of my thoughts and writings being open to the public was scary. Now, just one week in i can see its a self empowering thing to do. I have a voice.

    Liked by 1 person

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